This is Edward Lipinski calling from Ferrets NorthWest FNW on Mercer
Island, Wa.
I wish to issue a "last call" for comments on the conditions attributable
to the words and knowledge of Ms. Elizabeth Cantu.  Any body else feel the
need to make comments, in writing, and especially it would be advantagous
to me if Ms. Elizabeth Cantu could be more precise and elaborative in her
findings here at the time she, her husband Scott and her ferret, visited
FNW and thereafter wrote about.  I would very much appreciate details in
this public forum, please.
On another subject of the jowly, bulldog-faced ferrets, referred to as
demigigas or demi gigas (should it be one word or two words and in either
case, why?)
If one will refer to a dictionary, the word "gigas" is defined as,
   A polyploid PLANT having a thicker stem, taller growth, darker thicker
   leaves, and larger flowers and seeds than a corresponding diploid.
and, the word "demi," which is strictly a prefix, as I previously showed
is defined as,
one that partly belongs to a specified type or class, as DEMIgod.
Thus one should conclude that the prefix "demi" cannot stand alone, since
by definition it is a prefix; hence as it appears, we have, of necessity,
the single word
Now I believe, as I've shown above, that this is an illiterate word with
respect to describing a ferret.  Mr. Doug McKay (as per Zen) may be
credited for originating this word, for what does it mean?  To you and to
me could it mean simply a "some kind of a plant," as a demigod is "some
kind of a god?"  Pray tell, what's it got to do with ferrets?
What else could it mean?  I should like to encourage input.
Does it not seem to you that we are being absurd and somewhat ignorant in
using such terms that seem to be totally irrelevant in describing a
somewhat murkily defined "kind" of ferret?  Which of you really knows
whereof thou speakest, huh?
I should hesitate to speak with the authority some have taken unto
themselves in telling others what this ill-defined term means, much less
as to how it should be spelled, conjucated and applied.  One may take into
consideration that such erudition is based on the words, "erudire," to
instruct and and "rudis," meaning rude and ignorant.
And one last parting shot: Mr. Janke, I believe it was, expressed concern
that ECE is being referred to as a virus, and which is yet, to my knowledge
and to his, absolutely false.  Lately, a veterniarian, unidentified as yet,
referred to it as a "corona" or a "crown-like virus, which he has isolated
and identified.  Absolutely amazing indeed, in spite of the fact that it's
not yet proven to be a virus, does this vet now blatantly ascribe a
physical shape, a "crown" shape, to the virus particle itself?
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Recall the days?  If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks
like a duck, it ain't a communist.  Joe Macarthy, et al.
Edward Lipinski   Ferrets NorthWest  FNW        Mundus vult decipi. [L.]
The world wishes to be deceived.
[Moderator's note: Guess you're taking that motto to heart and doing some
deceiving?  ECE certainly does seem to be of viral origin... BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2651]