Ah, nothing like having 11 ferts "attacking" your toes, tunneling under
the blankets, doing the "Weasel Whoopee Dance" on your chest, and giving
you ear kisses.  The only problem is it was 520am and they WERE in their
B R E A K O U T  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
It was quite a surprise to say the least.  Especially since they were able
to escape one cage and open the carrier holding the new kid (had a sliding
cage top).  I rounded up the escapees and placed them back in holding.  2
displayed their displeasure by scattering the contents of 2 litter boxes
around the cage and the room.  The disturbance was soon quelled and the 2
subjects were placed in "Solitary Con-Fert-ment".  They were returned to
"General Population" a few minutes later.
The main revolt started a few minutes later.  Caesar showed me that he was
the intellect behind the escape.  He placed his front paws towards the top
of the cage door and braced himself.  The others piled on top of him until
the combined weight caused the door to pop open.  Persons owning the
SuperPet Multi-Floor ferret cage take note.  The bar the cage door snaps to
will become weak and start to bend.
I fastened a securing bar out of a piece of coat hanger.  Quite a feat
being I was still less then half awake.  That only made the matter worse.
Each time I lay down Caesar and the others began to paw, scratch, and bite
at the door.  I grabbed for the trusty spray bottle that I keep near the
desk.  Setting the nozzle to "stream" I took aim to squirt the wouldbe
escapees.  (okay - I was lazy, just didn't want to get out from under the
comfy covers).
I took aim at the belly and let forth a squirt.  Now, in theory (and in
practice with cats) this works to distract or stop them.  Please note: DOES
NOT WORK WITH FERTS AT 530 IN THE MORNING !!!!!  Soon they were all curious
to what was going on.  Everyone came to the cage door for a look see.
Then to make matters worse, they made a game of it (what else can you
expect from ferts!!!).  Anyone hear of the arcade game "Whack the Weasel"?.
A weasel head pops out from hole and you have to whack it.  There are many
holes and you never know which one will pop out.
Well, this became a combination of "Whack the Weasel" and an old time
shooting gallery.  They would take turns popping up and playing with the
cage doors (there are 6).  I would not know which fert would pop up next.
They started dooking around like mad enjoying the new game.  Not much for
Well, I started laughing my butt off.  I gave up and let them all out to
play.  Within a half hour they were all sleepy again and returned to the
cage without fuss.  Well, except for the new kid.  He started whining,
chattering and crying as I put him into his carrier.  Seems like he can't
wait to start hanging with the big kids.  My only concern is that he is
still small enough to crawl between the bars.
Hope this doesn't turn into an everynight adventure.
CAST INCLUDES   Min-Pins Jada and Geordi / 2 nameless degus (still waiting)
MISSING OUR FRIENDS  Kimo the Sumo Cat (and honorary ferret) and Petey the
[Posted in FML issue 2633]