Hi everyone.. :)
I'm still new at this ferret thing so I have a question... when is play too
hard??  we have this wonderful 8 month old cat Ulysses..  who likes to play
with ferrets..  and they like to play with him..  it's soooooo adorable
when they get to chasing each other..  ferrets running underneath biting at
his belly and back legs tripping him and rolling him over and then him
grabbing them in his paws and bunny kicking at them... jumping up and doing
it all over again..  playing hide and seek in the comforter on the bed..
and wrestling til they almost all three fall off the edge..  .
Ulysses isn't stupid he can really get away from them..  (though jumping
from the window seat to the bed doesn't work cause my dear Hobbsey is one
of those famous flying ferrets..  flattens out and wooshhhh..  over that
foot and a half space by the tips of his paws and mmmmmmmm yep he makes it
up on the bed..  yeaaaahhhhhh!!!) And the ferrets can surely run under the
bed into their hidey hole box...... or under the window seat..  behind the
book case ( i know ya'll get the idea)..  if they really needed to escape
from the cat....
I do want to say..
1.  I never leave them unsupervised with any of the cats..  Ulysses thinks
they're a toy..  the old ladies (14 yrs & 15 yrs) think they're some alien
creatures sent as a torture device and it's not fair to them to have to
deal with two ferrets ready to ROMP!
2.  The second note is there have been no hurting noises from any of the
three parties..  the cat has growled once or twice when hobbs has bitten
too hard..  and the ferrets make this wonderful little noise as they bounce
everywhere and chase the cat.... and roll around with him..  but no cries
of pain at all from anybody..
BUT!!!  they get pretty rough and i've been breaking it up cause i'm
worried somebody's going to get hurt..  i get these wonderful looks of
"awwwwww..  whatcha breaking up the party for we're having FUN!!" and it
isn't very long before they're back at it again..  makes me wonder if i'm
being wayyyy too much of a worry wart??  So what do you all think??
You all have given me such great information already.. I really
appreciate all of you sharing your knowledge with us newbies.. THANKS!!!
I do have to add that Hobbsy and banderito (originally hobs & bandit)
are truly wonderful additions to our family.. and i can't ever imagine
not having a ferret to cuddle.. (welll.. at least for a few seconds
before they're off being busy again)..
Hobbsy and Banderito- The cat chasing ferrets :)
[Posted in FML issue 2650]