Hi Everyone!!
This is my first post because I am one of the people who sends emails
directly to the person asking for the help, advice, etc.  After reading,
I do agree that it is a wonderful idea to send our answers to the list so
that everyone can benefit.  I'll be the first.
We have 5 ferrets.  Everyone gets along really good!  We started out with
3, then "Tigger" died last year, so we had 2.  They both started to really
bond (2 females) after Tigger's death.  We felt lonely, and thought they
might also, so a few months later we went up to the Ferret Nook and took
our 2 sweethearts with to let them pick a new playmate(s).  After spending
a wonderful day with Kathy Fritz and all her fuzzballs, Molly and Olive
finally made a decision.  We came home with Winke and Gizmo!!  For the
first couple of nights we had Winke and Gizmo sleep upstairs with us in our
room, and let them all 4 play together when we were home.  It didn't take
very long before everyone was sleeping together in their "hidey-hole"
(which is supposed to have pots and pans, but only holds ferret blankies).
Then for the next couple of nights, we both slept downstairs on the futon
which happens to be right next to our ferret house.  We built into the
family room and 8x10 foot play/sleep/poop/eat area for our babies.  There
were just a few little scuffles that lasted very short periods of time --
Molly had to show who owned the "pad" -- then everything was fine.
A few months later, getting into a conversation with a customer of mine (I
do hair) she mentioned she had this ferret she didn't want.  Nobody played
with him, etc.  I immediately told her to bring him over, we'll take him.
After work, we arranged the time, and she brought Nelix to us!  We changed
his name from Butch.  Nelix is much cuter for him.  The little 2 foot x 6
inch cage she brought him in, with no water or food, got us very upset, but
boy were we happy we rescued him!  Molly started right away to tell him who
the boss was.  So Molly and Nelix had a little trouble getting along at
first.  It took several weeks before we could let him sleep in the "ferret
pad" with all of them.  And yes, we were sleeping on the futon on and off
for about a month trying to integrate.  Finally, we found Molly and Nelix
cuddled up together one day in the "hidey-hole" and everything was fine!!
Now everybody is one big happy family!!
(: Have a happy smiley day :)
Anne Marie
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[Posted in FML issue 2649]