hi there, i have just a couple of questions for you guys.
- my fuzzy lives in my room and is pretty good at using the litter box,
except there is one place i haven't been able to break her habit of using.
i have tried a lot of things but i am not home as much as i wish i was to
catch her and stop her.  she's 4 1/2 yrs old.  so she is a little (a lot)
stubborn.  any suggestions on how i could stop her?
- she's been getting sick alot lately so i am really paranoid when it comes
to her now.  her vet has checked her out and it is hasn't been anything
major, so i am happy.only thing is, lately she seems itchier than she
usually is.  the fur on her neck is really thin and i am worried that it
might be something that i should get looked at.  what do you think it is?
maybe allergies?
- thanks for listening (reading) and my heart goes out to all of you that
have lost your sweet fuzz monsters.  my little bob has scared me so many
times lately, i didn't know my heart could break so many times.
- sylvie (mommy) and bob (fuzz monster)
[Posted in FML issue 2649]