Hello Sandy,
Thank you for your comment.
Sandy wrote:
>Since I've been breeding animals for 25 years (can't be),I feel a little
>qualified to talk about it.
I too was the dog breeder 20 years ago.
>I just don't believe that getting one good one offsets all the poor
>babies that end up with the bad genes.  I think it makes your line
>and stock much healthier and happier to use an outcross. Can you tell
>I've had this discussion before?  I've always done very well using
>two unrelated parents with the qualities I wanted.
Oh Yes.  I understand about the Inbreeding.  The Inbreeding is not good!
All my ferrets never be the Inbreeding.  I buy the ferret from many
countries breeder to avoid the Inbreeding.  My friend(Japanese breeder)
tried the Inbreeding last year.  And Unusual babies was born.  I said to
this friend "Stop the Inbreeding!".  He does not try the Inbreeding this
>Congratulations on all the new babies.  What a thrill.  Skeeter I just
>want to say thank you, you have helped.  You go fuzzy.
Thank you very very much!
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[Posted in FML issue 2615]