Our Society received a call last week from the International Business
Opportunities Centre (Judy Gaw).  Judy had been contacted by the Canadian
Consulate in Rome, who were calling on behalf of a company there, who are
interested in purchasing live ferrets (5-6 weeks, altered and vaccinated)
for export to Rome, Italy.
At the time all I could think of to say was...."Well I'd be happy to fly to
Rome and meet with this person to discuss this"...but of course I didn't.
I always think of the really snappy things to say after I hang up.
Judy impressed me greatly because before calling she had taken the time to
do some research on the Internet as well as talking to several vets.  She
replied that based on her research she was reluctant to contact reputable
breeders to determine their interest in exporting ferrets at such a young
age.  She went on to inform them that kits should remain with their mothers
until 8-10 weeks of age and that spaying/neutering should not occur before
6 weeks at minimum.  Plus the ferrets would require three boosters and
their rabies shots so could not possible be exported before 14 weeks of age.
The consulate replied that they would like to hear from any reputable
breeder willing to supply ferrets old enough to travel comfortably.
So, if you are a reputable Canadian breeder and would be interested in this
proposal please contact:
Michael Modermott
The Canadian Embassy
Via G.B. de Rossi, 27,
00161 Rome, Italy
Telephone (011 39 06) 44598.1
Facsimile (011 39 06) 44598.750
E-Mail [log in to unmask]
Quote "WTTD0181-Live Ferrets"
If you need more information call Judy Gaw at IBOC at Phone (613) 944-2011
or Fax (613) 996-2635.  Quote IBOC Case# 990303-0607-Ferrets, Rome.
I would caution that you do some research on export rules and regulations
before contacting either of these individuals.  The following internet
sites contain valuable information on exporting.
http://strategis.ic.gc.ca  (Canadian Company Capability database)
http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca (Valuable trade info)
http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca (IBOC's own website)
Oh and if a free trip to Rome comes up in conversation....remember me.  I'd
love to carry your luggage.
Barbara Gustafson
Alberta Ferret Society
[Posted in FML issue 2615]