Hi Everyone...
I have seen so many blaze ferrets in the last year and not one was
available..  I really have my little heart set on one day having a blaze
fuzzy of my own..  so if anyone knows of a litter of kits that has blaze
babies please please let me know..  ok?  or if there is an adult fuzzy with
a blaze that needs a home I would be happy to take that one and love it
with my own silly crowd..  I love any and all fuzzies..  but those blaze
kids are really something to see..  and now that I am in the land of the
freedom ferrets I can have a fuzzy like that all for me..  and not have to
hide him or her either..  hehehehe.  I LOVE IT!!!
Happy Fuzzies everyone!!!
dayna and the woozles
October 30, 1998  The Day The Music Died.  I love you Allegro... and will
miss you all of my days.
[Posted in FML issue 2614]