To those that may have been keeping track, today, the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
have lost their senior member--Silver Dude.  Yesterday, he seemed a little
odd...but then, older ferrets tend to be that way.  He was lured out of
hiding with a snack and he ate it readily.  Today, though he was still
running around, he was starting to fall over and he would stop suddenly and
just lay down.  I got worried and checked his was loose and his
gums were a bit dry.  I immediately got some water into him with a syringe,
then tried some duck soup...he wouldn't respond.  He *did* take some
Ferretvite, but not it wasn't enough, apparently.
After spending $125 at the emergency pet clinic and on some antibiotics
(they gave him Sub-Q fluids and a steroid shot), I brought him back home.
I gave him some maple syrup and the amoxi drops, but there was no change.
I realized that he probably wasn't going to make it.  I filled a 1-liter
soda bottle with water and put it in a towel, then wrapped him up in the
rest of the towel.  About 15 minutes later, he was gone.  I didn't want to
believe it at first..prodding him, hugging him.  I even pressed him tummy
to my ear to see if I could hear anything.  Not a sign.  He was gone.
One note of warning.  Look out, those of you already on the other side.
This one takes no guff!  And if any of you on the other side happen to
notice Silver Dude carrying a large back with my heart in it, please ask
him to send it back soon...there are six other Fuzzbutts here in need of it!
I'm sorry if this post isn't's hard to be happy when you are
literally crying your eyes out.
Todd and the (Extremely subdued) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns [sans Silver Dude]
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[Posted in FML issue 2614]