Does anyone have the telephone number for Dr. Weiss at Potomac Animal
Hospital in MD?
I wrote to the list a couple of weeks ago about ECE and my five ferrets.
All but one seems to be doing well, she's been at the vet's since Monday
morning.  Today, the doctor said that she consulted with her "specialist"
and she thinks it's "Green Slime Disease".
Sonny's coming home tonight and the doctor suggested that we keep her
separated from the other girls.  I'm sure she's been stressed out enough
not being near her sisters for the past week.  The other girls "poops" are
starting to look more normal now.  Should I keep her away from them if
they've already had thier bouts with this virus?
Also, I live in South Jersey just outside of Atlantic City, does anyone
know of a ferret knowlegeable vet in my vicinity.  I thought that I had
found one in Tabernacle, but now I don't think they're as experienced as
they could be.
Thanks for your help,
[Posted in FML issue 2613]