Hi FMLers-
Last July I posted about some "bloody Scabs" my ferret Dallas had.  I took
her to the vet a number of time regard them and the vet really didn't get
too concerned.  She told me to watch.  So I watched them.  (I checked the
FAQ and got further information.)
Last week I took both my ferrets Taylor and Dallas to the vet for their
annual checkup.  I again pointed out the small bloody pimples.  They got
slightly larger in addition there was only one in July now she had three.
Both girls needed their teeth cleaned so I decided at the same time I would
have the "pimples" removed and sent for tests.
I really didn't want to have their teeth cleaned nor did I want to have the
pimples removed but I have to trust my vet.  Not to mention everything I
read in the FAQ said removal is the best thing.
Well the girls made it though everything - my little wiggle worms.  I am
concerned, and I did speak to the vet tech about this.  Dallas the one who
had the surgery is making a wheezing noise and a choking noise.  I was up
all night monitoring her and I plan on spending all day with her today.
The vet tech said she probably has a sore throat from the incubation.
She was under longer than Taylor because of the surgery.  I also said she
seemed a little dazed.  She said it could take as long as 48 hours to see
an improvement but there should be an improvement from when I picked her up
yesterday.  I believe there is but it is very hard to be objective about
this things.  While I am not ready to rush her back to the vet because I
feel she is improving, slightly, and who else is a better observer of their
own pet then me the pet owner.  By the way Taylor seems to be doing okay.
In any event I can't help but be concerned and feel that I need to cover
all my resources.  Can anyone tell me about their experiences with ferrets
after surgery and incubation.  Please e-mail directly at
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[Posted in FML issue 2613]