Hi everyone!
Just a little news...
Why ferrets are great, REASON # 2854 (hehe, I am just making up numbers
there) -- They help with school work!!
I had to give an oral presentation in French class, in front of not only
the class and the professor, but another guest and we were all video taped.
As you can imagine, not all that fun for a person who has trouble giving
talks in front of people.  Lots of anxiety there..
Well, I racked my brains on what to talk about when I finally thought to
talk about my ferrets and how I got them!  It was fun to talk about them,
even in French, :) and my professor liked it, too.  She is amused by how
much fun I have talking about animals and my own pets and also the word
for ferrets ( furet ).  I think also it could be that the same word also
translates to "pipe cleaner" which makes for an interesting story, too!
Well, if anyone knows French and wants to hear it, feel free to ask, and
I'll email it to you.  But I just thought it was cool how my ferrets can
even help me with my schoolwork and by talking about something I love so
much, they helped me with my anxiety of talking in front of my class,
too. =)
Ferrets, gotta love 'em!!!
Take care and happy wishes to all!
Dean and Martin
[Posted in FML issue 2612]