I don't usually get like this and I'm probably going to get flamed, but I
had to say something:
>>To Sharin who wrote-
>>To Zack who said Skeeter scares him: I'm with ya, man.
>Well count me in too!  I think it's more than scarey.... It's positivly
>weird!  How can 'he' write such drivel?  And how can anyone actually read
>it???  ...
I don't think that this is fair or very nice.  People deal with grief in
different ways.  Some try to forget, some get angry, some put on a front
and act like nothing happened.  Some people like the idea that "Skeeter" is
there.  It makes them feel better to be able to say hi to a lost pet.
Didn't you ever have a family member that passedon and at some time or
another say "God, I wish ________ were here, they'd know what to do/say" I
personally find it a little strange sometimes too, but to each there own.
And no on has the right to tell the people who correspond with their passed
over fuzzies through "Skeeter" that they're wierd.  They aren't, they just
find it soothing.
Like with all other lists, if you don't want to read it skip it.
[Posted in FML issue 2611]