Hello to all Fuzzie Lovers,
Mathew, thank you for your response to my post about our barking baby
Sassy.  She still barks if anyone goes near her food but hasn't barked at
us for making noise since she was so disturbed by the alarm clock.  I
appreciate knowing that information and I am sure others will too.  Sassy
is STILL very sassy though.  Smile.  She is pampered and is loving every
minute of it.
We are letting the other ferrets drag her around but I am not liking it
much.  There is no screaming, pooping and peeing going on and when we do
break down to rescue her she just flies back for more unless she is sleepy.
She is so cuddly, loves to be held and kisses.  Hopefully, I will have her
pic up on our web site soon.
Penne&Kim.  Your post was not addressed to me, but I often have a knee jerk
response to unkindness.  Perhaps I am wrong but it sure seems to me to be
an awful rude and uncaring thing that you said about Skeeter.  That is only
my opinion but it occurred to me that I should respond to it.  Sometimes
people don't realize they are being rude unless someone points it out.
Perhaps your motivation was good but it came out all wrong or you had a
terrible headache.  We all deserve to have our views and opinions looked
upon with an open mind.  And isn't it wonderful that we are all different?
I respect your right to NOT like Skeeter's posts but hurtful things are
better left unsaid.  Poor Skeeter!!!!  I felt bad for him after reading
your post.  You can beat up on me tomorrow if the nastiness bug just has
you by the balls and you can't get loose.
To Skeeter.  Please don't let rudeness and insensitivity dampen your
creativity and spirit.  Your "drivel" has put a smile on my face more then
once.  Your actions are clearly motivated out of kindness and a sensitive
loving heart.  You have reached out and touched those that are hurting and
in pain.  You are obviously a great person with an awesome "grip".  Perhaps
I am just weird and scary!!!  Smile.  (Saying this as I am climbing into my
flame retardent suit complete with helmet, goggles, boots and gloves)BTW
Skeeter, I am still awaiting word about my Kizsi!!!!!  <G>
Gentle hugs to All--
Warm Regards, Victoria
Have a Moment? Take a Peek! Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Cats and Rabbits, Oh
"Compassion...can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces
all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind."  Dr. Albert
[Posted in FML issue 2611]