Hey guys!!
Sandy, -->waves<-- dat's your horsey fwiend who does dat to me?  I was
wond'rin' who to blame!  T'anks for de CheWeasel!!  I luv dem!
Chloe!  Hi!  You call t'ose guys de Three Amigos?  Dey call demselves de
Three Musketeers!!  T'ey're always after ev'ryone anyway!  Rascal, Bandit
and Slinky are havin' fun and dookin' an' pwayin all de time.  Well, when
dey aren't pickin' on ev'ryone else!
Ok, I'm off to at dat CheWeasel now!
Buh Bye ev'ryone!
[Posted in FML issue 2611]