I have had ferrets for years now, and luckily (until now) I have never had
to deal with adrenal cancer.  Now I have a ferret who started to experience
the typical hair loss on the back.  He is scheduled to go in for his
bloodwork part next week.  The vet says that it probably is adrenal cancer,
but wants to send the bloodwork off anyways.
I was wondering if people who have gone through with this could email their
experiences.  I'm a nervous wreck over this and soo worried about my baby.
Also was wondering if anyone has had experience with ferrets with adrenal
cancer limping on they're back leg.  I noticed him doing this last night
and was wondering if it was in connection to the adrenal cancer or
something totally different.  I looked his leg over and didn't see any
swelling or bite marks where his roommates might have gotten a little rough
with him.  He doesn't show any signs of pain while I examined it either, he
just limps/hobbles along.
Thankyou all in advance for any information.  I'll wait anxiously for info.
Jennifer Cathey and Elmo (the one with adrenal cancer), Kori, Moulder and
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[Posted in FML issue 2611]