Hello everyone,
First of all thanks to everyone that emailed me with solutions on this
little girl.  Yesterday the red skin vanished totally.  She is back to
normal color, and doing great.  I don't know what it is with my 13 yr old
son, but he sure has a way with the fuzzies.  I had her out last night in
my bedroom playing and exploring.  He came in to check on her, she was just
laying on the floor resting.  He picked her up, and she started licking his
arm and when he put her up to his face she started giving him kisses.  It
was so cute to watch, as she didn't want to stop.  She still won't eat much
of the TF, but I keep mixing it in with what I can get her to eat.  She now
loves Nutri-Cal and eats her ducksoup on her own.  No more force
Its amazing how she was covered with this red skin over about 60% of her
body when it peeked, and it went away just as fast as it spread.  If no one
claims her within two weeks she will be put up for adoption.  I still don't
know how she acts around others ferrets, as I won't put her with any of my
own kids till her 10 days are up.
We also got a little boy into the shelter, his name is Willbur, and he is a
MF, 11 mo old male.  He is a big, healthy boy who loves to play with other
fuzzies.  His dad had to move and could not take him with him.  He is up
for adoption and would make a great addition to any ferret friendly home.
One condition: His dad wants to stay in contact with his new mom and or
dad, and I promised that I would make sure that would happen.  My son
naturally wants to keep any ferret that comes through the shelter, but he
needs to learn we are only here to serve as a temp home, not permanant home.
I guess we will never know for sure what went on with the little girl, btw
I been calling her "Lucky", but solong she is doing great thats what
Thanks again,
Mini Tafoya
Ferrets "R" Fun Shelter and Rescue
Albuquerque, NM
[Posted in FML issue 2602]