Dear Sue:                                                                =
At this time of your bereavement, May it help and comfort you To know that
all your grief is shared , and thoughts are with you, Rocky, and Tempest .
I signed off after reading about your two tiny ones..  There are no right
words that will bring back your Rocky..  But I hope you believe that there
is a creator, and a heaven.  I had to go back on line.  Every person who
cares and lets you know will help to lessen the pain.  My Baby is in
remission right now.  And my first two boys have multiple problems.  They
have chosen this moment to walk in right now.  You all talk of ferrets
living 7 years.  I'll be lucky if they see 5.  And then I will be right
where you are- needing someone to slobber all over, a hand to hold, and
wanting to know that others care.  They do .  And so does God.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the
clouds I will see it and I will remember My covenant between Me and you and
all living creatures of every kind.[Gen.9:14-15 NIV]  Are not five sparrows
sold for two pennies?  And yet not one of them is forgotten or uncared for
in the presence of God[Luke 12:6 AMP] GOD is holding Rocky in his arms.
[Posted in FML issue 2610]