I have some possible opportunities in California for the dream job I have
been hoping for my entire life.  I am in the entertainment industry and
unfortunately that is where it is.  When We got our ferrets 3 years ago, ee
had no intentions of moving to California, nor did we even know that that
is the direction my career would take, but it has.  We are now wrestling
with the decision of whether to take them with us or find a suitable home
for them here.  We would prefer to take them, but I would like any
information I can get before we go.  We have decided to own, not rent,
because I do not want my house to be open to landlords, maintenance and
such.  Other than that though, I need to know the best routes to get into
California with ferrets, any information I can get on vets, and mostly I
would like to know just how risky it is.  It would break my wife s heart
to give up the girls up but if the risk is that great we will.  Our first
priority is them.  I would think they would be happiest staying with their
original "family" but I know they could adjust elsewhere if need be.  If
you could also help me with what precautions california ferret owners take
to ensure their fuzzbutts safety, I would appreciate it.  Please do not
flame me.  This is a hard enough time without additional criticism.
Our move would most likely be to southern california in the Los Angeles
Thanks in advance.
[Posted in FML issue 2610]