I've received a few ads for the next ad issue, but I'm sure there are more
out there!  This is the second notice -- please get them to me as soon as
possible if you wish to participate.  (They can be sent to:
[log in to unmask]  Please keep the size reasonable (50 or so
lines is certainly reasonable) and please send plain text only.)
For new subscribers: A few times a year a special all-advertising issue is
sent to all subscribers.  This special ad issue features a wide variety of
great ferret-related products available from FML subscribers.  Subscribers
and friends of the FML with a ferret-related product to sell may advertise
at NO charge.  The last ad issue, number 12, was sent out in November and
can be retrieved from the server by e-mailing SEND FERRETAD 12 in the body
of the mail to [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2610]