do any of you read Ann Landers?  she mentioned ferrets in her column a week
or 2 ago, in a way that made them sound as normal as any other pet... In
response to a pet-related letter, she said something like, "You'd be
surprised how many letters I get about cats, dogs, ferrets, and canaries
who (whatever it was)." Now Ann is the voice of the sensible mainstream, so
a reference like that makes ferrets sound like sensible mainstream pets.
After a morning mess mishap today, I scolded Ramon & stuck him in the cage
for 10 minutes.  A couple hours later, for the first time, he did the thing
where they pretend to pee where they're supposed to so you'll give them a
treat: he went to the "good ferret" corner, squatted briefly, & looked up
at me with hopeful beady little eyes.  Of course I rewarded him - as far as
i can tell, this is the first time he has made the connection between his
behavior & his treat.  O I'm so proud.
Well Ramon abruptly got his new spring coat.  About 2 days ago - during a
snowstorm, howling wind, & temperatures in the teens - he decided it was
time to drop his entire undercoat.  (Ok, I helped - by "plucking" him - it
was coming out in tufts.  He hated it, but i told him i was doing him a
favor...) Seriously, i was amazed, i'd never seen an abrupt coat change
like that.  He looks totally skinny now.  Chloe's still wearing her nice
soft warm winter coat...
To Zack who said Skeeter scares him: I'm with ya, man.
Happy March to you all
[Posted in FML issue 2609]