Awhile back, someone mentioned they were putting together an emergency kit
for thier fuzzies.  I would like to put one together, too, and would like
to know what should go in it.  If anyone has any of their own thoughts on
this, please feel free to mention them.  Please post to the list, as I am
sure there are others who are interested in doing this, also.
Re: Is more better?  You may as well just start out with 12 fuzzies.  That
way you won't have to worry about ferret math.  You will probably end up
with that many sooner or later anyway!  Seriously, I feel at least two are
good to start with, to keep each other company when you are not home.  It
also helps them learn to socialize better when they meet up with other
fuzzies (at shows, friends homes, new additions, etc.).  Besides, there is
nothing better than another fuzzy to play ferret games with.  I have tried
to be a substitute ferret, but I just don't fit in the tubes or under the
bed very well!
Hugs to the fuzzies and sympathies to the broken-hearted who've lost their
loves to the Bridge.
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies,
 Lucy (Mom, isn't there a vaccine for ferret math?  I hear it is highly
 & Greta  (I wish there was a vaccine to keep cats away!)
 & Matty the orange fuzzball  (why doesn't anyone want to play with me?)
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2609]