Well, this new ferret in the front bedroom is pretty doggone scary, let me
tell you.  During the past few weeks I have been calling her sweetheart,
baby, stinker, Gidgit, or any other endearment that happens to pop out.  I
had been wondering if the name Gidgit really fit her and trying to decide
on a name for her.  Made a list from the Ferret Name bank, but still, none
of them fit.  Then two days later I was talking to her and the name Misty
just sort of popped out.  Misty was not even one of the names I had been
considering.  I don't know where the name came from.  I still think she
could find a better name.  But she practiced her telepathy on me.  She is
definitely an FLO agent.  I came back into the room last night and she had
moved the taskbar on the computer from the bottom of the screen to the
right side.  And I don't know how she did it, but number lock, cap lock,
page down and such don't work any more.  Romeo is the ferret I bring to
play with her( he adores her) and I am afraid she is going to teach her his
bad habits.  Any suggestions on preventing her from recruiting him would be
greatly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 2609]