Hi ferret friends,
I finally caught up with the FML.  I've been so behind so bare with me if
I am out of date here.  It seems like the FML keeps getting bigger and
bigger, that's great!
Anyway I finally decided on a name for my new addition and I thought of
Bandit because it suits her BIG TIME!  She's still a baby and she is ruling
the whole ferret pack.  She bosses Spanky (a.k.a.  The King) around and he
is twice her size, I just find it hilarious.
I am almost finished with my web page so I was wondering if anyone would
like to come and visit us.  I want to add some links so if anyone would
like to be added please e-mail me.
Tell me what you think or what I can add.  I just want to make sure that
people know the truth about ferrets and not believe the rumors!
My heart and prayers go out to all of those that have lost a fuzzy.  May
you meet again at the rainbow bridge.
--Kaycie and the 4 pack--
--Maggie, Spanky, Smokie and the little Bandit--
[Posted in FML issue 2609]