In reply to Pete's message regarding Kansas transporters needed and why
ferrets are being imported from out of state rather than being adopted
from local shelters:
We tentatively do have the entire transport covered from Reno to Manhattan,
Kansas, however we could still use some help covering a leg of the trip
from Colby, Kansas, to as close to Manhattan, Kansas as possible.
As for why the ferrets are being imported rather than adopted locally, the
ferrets are import kits from New Zealand.  They aren't needy ferrets from
out of state shelters or owners, they are special breeds from New Zealand.
They actually are not all ending up in Manhattan, they will be going to
their new owners in several states but for now we just need to get them to
I do have to say, however, that in general I WHOLEHEARDEDLY agree with you
that people should not look for new ferrets out of state when there are
plenty of needy ferrets in every state in the U.S. residing in shelters.
Of course I feel this way -- I am one of four directors of a statewide
shelter here in Pennsylvania.  If someone in PA is looking for ferret love,
I would hope that they come to our shelter before seeking the perfect
ferret in another state.  However, while I do not want to publicly get into
a debate about this, I do not have a problem with purchasing kits from
reputable breeders, and I think it's great to have these New Zealand
ferrets imported to the U.S.
But I will say this about Ferrets Across America; we will honor requests
for transports for any reason, we are here to help any needy ferret find a
good home, no matter where that may be.  There are many reasons why people
request the services of FAA.  Sometimes someone will post to the FML about
a ferret that is in a home or shelter that for whatever reason cannot find
a home.  Someone from out of state may read this post and something
clicks-- and finally, that needy ferret has found his or her special home.
In these cases, it's usually someone who wasn't necessarily in the market
for a new ferret, but the post to the FML just struck a chord.  While I'd
like to see ferrets being adopted locally, in these cases, it's just a
blessing that someone, somewhere is out there to provide a home.  And FAA
will be there to help get this ferret home.
But Pete does raise a point worth mentioning -- if you are thinking of
adding a new ferret to your home, please take the time to check out your
local shelters.  These ferrets are waiting for someone with a big heart
and a warm home where they can hang their hammock for good.
Kymberlie Barone
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
Montgomery County Branch
"Forget Puppy Love... There's nothing greater than Ferret Love!"tm
Don't miss the Three Rivers Ferret Show!!!!!!!!!
March 13, 1999 in Oakmont, PA
More info:
Show proceeds help PFRA ferrets get a second chance!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2608]