I will be in Chicago from March 24 (Weds) to 28 (Sun) to attend the annual
archaeology meetings.  I will probably be able to visit ferret people
during most of those evenings, and could even stay the evening with some;
(my roomie just bumped me in favor of a girlfriend, so I am now making new
arrangements for a room).  If you want me to stay, now is the time to ask
before I whip out the plastic and make reservations.  As always, first
asked, first visited, for as long as I have the time.  It is possible to
set up a late Sunday meeting for a group, if desired.  Let me know.
Q:"Are water dishes better than water bottles?"
A: I'm afraid I'm not containercentric, so can't say.
I use both.  I have two large water bottles and one large water dish for
the ferts to drink from.  I like the dish because I love watching the
little creeps paw and snorkle in it, but I love the bottles because I am
sure the water is clean.  My only problem with the dish is that I have to
clean it each time I see litter in the water, which happens every time Tui
goes over to play otter.  My concern here is what might be hitchhiking from
the feet (litter) to the water, and how it might be easily passed from one
fert to another.  I solve the problem by picking up the dish at night and
sending it through the dishwasher.  At night they just have to live with
the water bottles.
A helpful hint is that I place the water dish on an old dining (cafeteria)
tray.  I found several at a local Goodwill Store (my favorite spot for
new fert enrichment toys) for a few bucks each.  The tray helps collect
whatever water is splashed from the dish.  I also use one for the food
dishes to collect those tiny food particles the ferts continously drop.
Q:"...There is a lump on the side of my ferret's jaw under the eye.  It
worries me....what should I do?"
A: You should give me a better straight line for my wisecracks.
You need to see a vet as soon as possible.  I'm assuming that by "jaw" you
mean the lower half of the mouth, the mandible, and not the part of the
upper jaw.  In either case, I would say the same, see a vet now.
As for what is wrong, I can't say for sure.  It is probably an infection,
perhaps a dental abscess.  It could be a bone growth, or even a tissue mass
or tumor under the skin.  Each of these could have different treatments,
but since we are not sure which one is the problem, and some could be life
threatening, go to the vet to make sure.  Don't wait.
Bob C and 19 MO' Fertmonkies
[Posted in FML issue 2608]