I back from both the HSUS EXPO 99 & the Ferrets In The Sun Show.
Oh my, we had lots of material for the HSUS EXPO 99 (at least I thought)
but we ran out of almost everything by Thursday night.  The people who
attended were "THIRSTY" for ferret info and they SCARFED IT ALL UP.  We had
so many that were happy about the new Rabies rules - It was marvelous.  We
had one of the very BEST locations (due to the traffic at our booth we
probably had the BEST location) and we milked it for all we were worth.
Also we had handouts for the Kissimmee show and many people from the HSUS
EXPO came over.
A great BIG thank you to those of you who sent us handout's - sorry but
they are all gone now except 1 each which we kept so we could reprint them.
Many of you will get phone calls in the next couple of weeks from a Humane
Society Shelter or the AHA, animal welfare agencies, Animal Planet or other
people to help out with picking up Ferrets or just to help them out with
Ferret Education.
As for the "Ferrets In the Sun" show at Kissimmee that was AWESOME.  Debbie
Coburn and her gang of ferret people did themselves PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the first Ferret show I have ever been too that actually ended on
time and from my point of view (and I was up front near the judging) went
off without a hitch.  Gosh things were so very smooth there.  WAY TO GO
Again I want to thank all who sent Informational Handouts and other Ferret
Related material for the HSUS EXPO 99 - many little lives will be rescued
and saved because of you.  Next year it's in Las Vegas from Feb 16 - 20th
and I know you will send new and even better stuff -- cause FERRETS GOTTA
DANCE and you make it SO.
Thanks & Kissy face from Ferrets everywhere
Chere McCoy
Ferret Friends of Indian River  County Ferret Shelter
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
[Posted in FML issue 2601]