Glad to see some happy endings yesterday!  So sorry to read about the
distemper outbreak and so many fuzzies lost from it.So sad..:o(
Three years ago, my hampster got sick and had to be put to sleep.  He was
mean so I didn't get to interact with him much (he did love to run around
in his ball, tho.) Anyways, I wanted to get another animal that I could
interact with, but would be small and easy to care for.  I wasn't allowed
to have a dog where I lived and I already had a cat who, due to old age and
illness, lives with my Dad.  I thought of a bunny, but they just sort of
sit there and don't do much.  Then, I was invited to my girlfriend's 50th
birthday party.  At the party, her son brought out his ferrets.  I had
never seen one before or even heard of them.  I fell in love instantly!
This was the pet of my dreams!  I HAD to have one!  Being short on money, I
started to save up, read lots of books on ferrets, bought a small starter
cage on sale, and a few toys.  I visited pet shops that carried kits and
played with them.  Several months later, I had enough money to buy one.
That is how I got Lucy.  She came at a time when I was having a lot of
problems with my job, etc.  and was often depressed.  She took my mind off
of everything else and made me laugh and kept me going each day.  I don't
know how I would have made it through everything without her.  Greta
blessed my life even more, two months later.  Never under-estimate the
power of ferret love!
Lucy has two black spots (of fur) on her tummy between her legs that are
her "tickle" spots.  She is very ticklish and play bites when I touch those
Lucy also gets the hiccups a lot.  She practically jumps off the floor each
time she gets them!  It is really funny!
Thank-you to everyone who sent suggestions on the litter clean-up.  The
plastic bags idea is working well!
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies;
Lucy      (that orange fuzzball just bopped me on the head again!  What's
           up with that?)
 & Greta  (it keeps pouncing on me and chasing me into the bathroom! And
           it tries to bite my tail!  Momma, help!!!)
 & Matty the cat  (these things are better than wind-up mice! They never
                   stop running!)
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2606]