Hi Skeeter,
If you have time and wouldn't mind, would you please check on Chapper for
me.  He left me for the Rainbow Bridge on 2-21-98, and I'm just wondering
if he's settled in well, is happy and has made lots of new friends.  Never
a day goes by that I don't miss that little boy.
Please let him know that Mommy and the girls are fine, altho we continue to
miss him.  Several rescues now grace our home,, 2 little deaf boys and two
more little girls, but no one will ever take his place.  Chapper, Billy one
of the little deaf boys, found your baby beads and treasures them, he won't
let anyone play with them.  Billy hides them and takes excellent care of
them.  I know you won't mind him taking custody of them, he's very
protective of them and always keeps them in a safe place, known only to him.
We all miss you little boy, but we know you're healthy and happy now.
Your Mommy,
[Posted in FML issue 2605]