From Rascal's point-of-view...:)
Here is a little story of how my mommy got me...
Mommy used to work at a Hallmark Store in the mall...
I was at the pet store in the mall...(right across the hall!!!!)
She used to come in and see me and play with me every day... Then she
started to work at the Pet Store... LUCKY ME!!!!!!
She would love me and play with me...take me out of my cage and put the
halter and leash on me and let me run in the halls... We had a ball!!!
Other people came in to see me and play with me, too...
And one little boy called me a "rascal"...
Well, I guess the name fit, cause that is what they have called me ever
Mommy wanted me so take me home and keep me...
but her husband at the time kept saying "No...we have enough critters!"...
(2 dogs and 3 cats)...
Mommy finally figured out how to explain to him how badly she wanted me...
in terms he understood...
She said..."if I had to sell Rascal to someone else, it would be like
somone coming into my home and taking one of my cats..."
He knew how much her cats meant to her, and realized how badly she really
wanted me... they came right down to the store... I am!!!!
Now I have 2 brothers and 1 sister...boy!..ain't ferret math GREAT!!!!
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"" quiet kisser!...knowing I will let him
down when he does!!!" sweet, sweet lady!...but...'NO!!NO!! don't kiss
me!!!!'" "stands up and begs for 'just one more treat'?...and now...'bar
stool climber'!!!!"
Monkey(Shine) "blaze" wild man!!! 'flying
[Posted in FML issue 2605]