Hi, my name is Paul, and this is my first post to the FML, which I've been
enjoying greatly for the past month.
A brief intro: I'm not a ferret owner myself -- yet.  My Significant Other
has two furkids, though (plus a collie and Rottweiler who wouldn't dream of
being rough with their little fuzzy siblings), by the name of Al & Peggy.
Al's an albino with one eye (We never did figure out what damaged the other
one -- he's doing just fine) and Peggy's a dark-eyed white.  They're both
coming up on 8 years old, and are as healthy as they can be -- and
certainly typical ornery carpet sharks!  I'd have to do some serious
rearranging of my house before I'd want to adopt my own fuzzies, but Al &
Peggy -- and FML -- are going a long way in convincing me to become a Daddy
of my own.  Just a matter of time.
At any rate, the main reason I'm posting was to comment on Ilena's
suggestion on picking up some miniature sleeping bags for the furkids --
this is a great idea!  It got me to thinking about something similar: I can
remember as a kid that department stores used to have small replicas of
camping tents -- with zippered entrance flaps, windows with rain flaps,
support tubing, the whole nine yards -- for display.  Wouldn't these be
good for ferrets as well?  All you'd have to do is tie the doors open.  I
don't know if they still have these things or not (then again I haven't
shopped for camping equipment lately).  Just a thought.
Paul E.  Jamison, Esq.  (Check out my Rainbow Bridge story -- Hi,
Skeeter!  -- at my home page:
http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/7256 More stories to come!)
"BABYLON 5!  A five-mile long cement mixer of truth, pouring out the
 Concrete of Nice-Nice in a long, grey ribbon into the future, to form a
               ***SIDE WALK OF JUSTICE!!***"
                                   - The Tick on Babylon 5
[Posted in FML issue 2601]