Hi all my fellow FML's
I had one of the scariest thing happen to me this morning right before I
had to leave for work and just wanted to let you know about it in case this
should ever happen to one of your fuzzies.
My silver mitt Ratbert loves to play with his fellow cage mates and there
is always some ferret noises to be heard..I heard the strangest noise this
morning ..It sounded like an animal being killed.  I ran into my bedroom
where they are in their *sigh*cage cause I have to work so they can eat and
go t the vets..and I saw Ratbert hanging from his hammock screaming at the
top of his lungs..It seems his nails somehow were caught in the hammock and
he was franticly struggling to free himself..  I tried in vain to realease
his nails he pulled his right fromt paw so hard all I saw was blood flying
all over the cage and walls..I took him and placed him on me while I looked
around and found hi pulled out his whole nail..Right from the nail bed..I
immediately wrapped his paw in a wet wash cloth and called the vets..I
didnt have anything to stop bleeding because I never had cut any of my
ferrets nails too short before..I felt so stupid I forgot to buy kwick stop
and just keep it just in case..anyhow the vet told me how to stop the
bleeding..use either cornstarch and water or flour to make a paste and
apply it to the nail..After on half hour the bleeding has finaly ceased..He
will be seeing the vet tonite right after I come home..I feel sick over the
whole episode and personally feel responsible because I didnt make sure his
nails were clipped today.  I usually do that every other week and clip all
of my ferrets nails using feritvite as a *bribe*..I know I will not be
having a good day at work..  I am sick with worry if Ratbert will be okay
and if he will get an infection from losing his entire nail..I just wanted
others to know to make sure you always check your ferrets nails every week
and make sure you always have kwick stop just in case..  I feel so bad and
stupid..I never knew something like this could ever have happened..Now I
know better..
Thank all of you for letting me vent my stupidity and *guilt*..I just would
like to know if this ever happened to anyone else??Not that it makes it
better just less gulity..and ferret stupid.
please visit my web page at: www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Towers/4908
"Don't be afraid to dream..for out of the most fragile dreams come
[Posted in FML issue 2604]