Hi You All,
Well, as I sit here typing this on my laptop in bed, I see Mere the cat
walking around in my bedroom.  This is a good thing.  Him and his brother
Beau have really been walking all over the house of late and laying in the
good sun spots.  I still can't pet them, but they are starting to truly
blend in.  As you may recall, these are two 14 year old cats that came a
bit ago to live here.
I was lazy with email all last week and those who sent me good thoughts
will get a reply sooner or later.  It was spring break, and I just couldn't
bring myself to do much but clean the house and get caught up on bills.
And of course spend lots of silly time with the ferts and cats and the bald
squeaky toy.
But I am trying to get back into the swing of things.  Although I did play
hooky part of the day to come home and spend time with the animals.  It was
just too pretty a day not too.  But tomorrow is back into school big time.
Have a long standing weekly lunch date with my bud at Eva J's.  They have
good food and besides, it is fun watching all the kids since it is a dorm
cafeteria.  I have been informed by one who knows that regular table
manners do not apply to dorm cafeterias.  I am slow on the uptake, but
these regular sessions help me to understand the 20 year old mind.  So
every Wednesday I go to school 2 hours early to eat lunch, well ok for me
breakfast, at 11 on my friends tab.  Makes me sorry I never lived in a
dorm.  Seriously.  Besides she is an aspiring journalist and trust me, us
folks are nuts.  hehe.
I took Natasha out today.  I just carried her out as I put the poodle out
in her run to play.  Natasha hasn't been out much (weather) and she just
hung limp and power sniffed everything.  It was the stillest I have ever
seen this ferret except when she sleeps.  now if I could just *teach* her
to be that way.
Had a fun night last week with the ferrets.  I put one of their clear
tubes on the floor and put two knots in them.  They love to snorkle in
the twisted up tubes.  The only bad thing is the tubes will work back out
straight from the movement, so I sat on the floor holding the ends in my
hands for a hour so they could run around in the knots.  It was so damn
funny!!  If I let go they would come up and nose bump my hands back to
place.  And at one point William decided he wanted to lay right in the
middle of the big mess and had ferrets backed up to the ends on either side
of him.  Must have been 10 or 12 ferts in the tube at once.  I swear I
heard Master William chuckling in there somewhere.
The guys are all doing well.  They are busy breaking things on my
bookshelves, so I don't have to move them.  Maybe I will give them that
bacula I own to chew on.  Might be able to work out a deal.  hell, they
even have cheweasels and are doing this.  I guess Miss Stella wants to make
sure we have enough room in the new place.
No, it isn't a done deal yet.  But it is pretty far along.  One of the main
hold-ups is my school schedule.  I don't have time to go for a good visit
so it may have to wait until school is out.  I have tests and presentations
every week until then.  But the place is on the web and I have talked to
the present admin person quite a bit about it.  It looks really nice.
Sounds really nice.  Still sounds scary too.  Again, thanks for those who
sent my nice thoughts.  Just keep them there please.  They are needed and
appreciated much.  One good thing, I might be able to do some ferret work
like I have wanted also.  So many paths to look at.  Great abundance.  It
is amazing.
Yes, still convinced the bright little souls are watching over me.  The
person running the place now insisted, on her own, that I bring one or two
of the ferts with me when I visit to get there approval also.
Hugs to those who have lost a bright soul lately. I always say prayers for
them. And for the ones finding good homes for the first time.
blessed be,
[Posted in FML issue 2632]