Hi Everyone,
Got to do a little bragging, just got my subscription to Ferret magazine
for May and June and on Page 53, I happend to take a double look and there
is my Sister, Glenda and Bubba, a very special Sterling Silver Ferret.
Wait till Glenda see's this!  Thanks Leonard Bottleman, of Oregon Ferret
Club for sending this picture to the magazine.  As you can tell Glenda was
very proud of Bubba.  She loved him so much.  This is the ferret that
turned me into a Ferret lover, now I have 11 ferrets!  Some of mine are
just as special as Bubba was.  Bubba use to follow Glenda's dog, Gus when
they went out for walks!  It was Gus, Bubba and Scooter, the ferrets always
followed right behind Gus, it was so cute, people use to stop and stare at
them.  Even thou Bubba and Scooter have now gone to Rainbow Bridge, they
will never be forgotten.  It will be hard to go to the Oregon Ferret
Frolics this year without them.  But some of the 11 cousins will be there
to entertain the Oregon ferret folks!
Charleen Schuster
and the 11 ferrets from Washington!
[Posted in FML issue 2632]