Hello most wonderful weasel people,
In celebration of moving into my own apartment and leaving the roommates
from heck behind, I would like to find my little monster (did I say
monster?  I meant angel...) a boyfriend!  Zungwoon is almost 2 years old,
and she is seeking a young man with the following characteristics:
Age: 1-3 years; Appearance: large boned and well muscled, with a dark
mysterious mask, but the gloves of a gentleman and a fresh white
shirtfront.  Interests should include active sports (esp.  wrestling),
exploration, fine dining, digging to China, and committing crimes.  She
is only seeking applicants that can freely show their affection, and are
themselves looking for a cagemate with a fiesty but fun attitude.
(Oh, and I'm looking for the same in human form, aged around 28, but
without the criminal element and wresting fetish!)
Anyway, if you know of a suitable & available applicant, please let me
know!  I live in Boulder, CO, and can travel from Laramie, WY to Colo
Springs for the right ferret.  (Prefer Boulder/Denver for human, but ....)
My email is [log in to unmask]
Tara &
--Lonely and trouble
Racing around all night long
More dig dig on mom--
--Old and dignified
I don't need any of that
A princess always--
--cat's are above haiku
see my lines don't work
bop a weasel on the head! --
[Posted in FML issue 2632]