My experience is - some fight more, some fight less and some do not fight
at all when a newcomer is introduced.
During my 20 years of being owned by ferrets I have experienced all kinds.
At present I have two fuzzies, Pjatten and Ellen.  When she arrived at 3
months of age, he was the second oldest and he fighted her from the first
moment.  They used to fight under the sofatable with a shelf 10 cm above
floor so I could not see them - but hear them !  Oh boy did I hear.  Ellen
was screaming like hell and pooping out of fear.  I separated them when I
could not stand it anymore but next time it was all the same.  However,
when I brought them with me to the office - all three in the same cage -
they did not fight at all.  Of course I watched her not to be seriously
wounded but the fights were tough, I promise.The eldest ferret, Hassan, did
not bother , he played with her from the beginning.  I kept them separated
at night but otherwise I let them deal with this themselves.
Eventually it blew over but I think it took almost 6 months until
everything was OK.
Last year Hassan escaped to the Rainbow Bridge and those two are now the
best of friends.  Actually they have been that for the last 6 years.
Nowadays they have this common enemy - the big poodle.  There are no fights
and Ellen and the dog Harri even play.  Pjatten does not want to play with
D O G S.  Since he is a rescue that was found under a barn where he spent
the time from October to February after having been thrown out, I presume
that during that time he has been in a serious fight with some dog.
Conclusion (by me) best to let them settle among each other who is in
charge.  Of course to take precautions that they do not kill each other but
I get my ferrets fixed so for example two males have no reason to fight for
that reason if you know what I mean.
Good luck
[Posted in FML issue 2604]