Hi fellow FMLer's,
Now I need some helpfull input on this because I have been sitting here
pondering & thinking for hours & have not been able to come up with an
answer.  Here is my story: I am owned by 2 wonderfull little Ferrets.
Angel will be 2 next month & she is the sweetest & the most kissy little
girl.  Waddles will be 2 in October.  He was a rescue but had been very
well taking care of.  I have had him for a little over a year.  He is also
a real sweetie pie but does NOT give kisses.  I've done everything but he
won't give them up.  I did get him to lick my arm a few times.
Well this afternoon my hubby's friend stopped over with his wife, 10yr.
old son & 5month old baby.  The little boy just loves ferrets so I took
Angel out & he carried her around for a bit & she gave her usual bunches of
kisses.  Then I gave him Waddles to hold.  He started out by licking his
hand, then up to his cheek, his nose, his eyes giving him more kisses than
I have ever seen!!!
Now I am the one who feeds him & hugs him & loves him & not a kiss for
me!!!  Go figure.  I am a very upset Mommy.  What am I doing wrong?  This
was the first person he has ever reacted to like this.  He has been around
children before & where he came from was an adult home so I have no clue as
to why he had this reaction to this particular little boy?  Anyone have any
Sad Mommy Linda
[Posted in FML issue 2629]