Hello all, we have three ferrets and just this evening noticed our 2 and a
half year old male sable had some "gunk" stuck on his belly.  After closer
inspection, we realized the "gunk" was clotted blood.  We washed off the
blood and found a small "blister" like wound on his belly.  We have tried
to think how he could have gotten such a wound but are completely
dumb-founded.  We are hoping that maybe some of you out there can help shed
some light on this mystery.
The wound is located in the middle of his belly, almost evenly space
between his front and hind legs.  It is about an 1/8 of an inch in diameter
and reddish in color.  It kind of looks like a blister, or pimple or some
kind of "growth" (although I hate to use that word).  Hobbes (the fuzzie in
question) doesn't flinch or move at all when it is touched, prodded or
poked.  There doesn't seem to be anything under the wound because when you
pull the skin up the "wound" moves with it like he just scratched it or
something.  I should say, Hobbes has been eating, drinking, pooping, peeing
and playing normally.
We are hoping that he may have just scratched himself a little raw (due to
a bad itch or something) or played a little rough with one of the other
fuzzies (they do all get along and have been all living together with out
incident for over a year).  All we want to do is make sure that we aren't
missing some warning sign or have some major reason to be concerned.
Between all the years of experience of raising these cute little creatures
that are out there we hope some of you can help to set aside our fears or
point us in the right direction if it is needed.
The Idaho five:
Brad, Kelly, Susie, Elmo and Hobbes (hey dad, quite lookn' at my belly
and let me run!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2629]