Hi all
It was a very hard time for me at that time .... I had to go to Kelowna
B.C. to be with my mom & dad... see...dad was very ill.  I was helping to
take mom to the hospital every day to be with dad ..... a long story
short..... I lost my dad and hubby and my daughter came to comfort me and
then there was the funeral ... well hubby had to leave our 2 sons and my
baby "Sheena" in the care of daughters boyfriend for a few days.  When we
got back all I wanted to do was hug Sheena .... hubby didn't tell me that
she had been mission for 2 days!!!  he knew I couldn't take that news.  I
got into the house and went right to her cage.  There was NO Sheena!!!!!
my heart sank ... I looked at hubby and then I started a rampage around the
house .... I looked in ALL her hidy-holes.......NO Sheena .....I started
crying ....that was when hubby told me she was missing........ now this
was in Feb. in alberta.....it was cold out!!!  It was now 2:00 am and I
was outside looking in the gutters of our street .....calling her name.....
I didn't about the neighbors......MY BABY was missing!!!!!
Hubby got me to come back inside and tried to comfort me again ........
I felt totally lost now........ losing my beloved dad ....and now my
Sheena ....... how could I cope!
The next day .... I don't know if I slept or not that night ... hubbies dad
wanted to got into town for something and they wouldn't leave me alone at
all, so I had to go with them.  when we got back home I was walking up the
steps to the front door and ......... I saw the most BEAUTIFUL site........
it was a "Sheena" poop!!!!!!!!!!!  I started streaming.............. A
Sheena poop everyone................it wasn't there last night!!  Well ...
that started an ALL-OUT search ....... I heard something under our steps
at the front door.............. hubby yelled out .............get some
celery....fast!!!!  My son brought out a stalk of celery and hubby put into
a crack between the step and the house .....well guess what ..........a
VERY hungry and scared little dirty gray Sheena clamped onto that celery
with ALL her might..... we got her out of there and into my arms ....... MY
baby was OK!!!!!!!  she slept for 2 days... but when she was awake .....
she never let my out of her sight :) and I never left her with anyone EVER
again :)))))))))))))))))))))
I still feel the emotions I felt that day I found her, she was my
sweetheart.  I will always miss her but even now.... she can make me laugh
at the things we used to do together.
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/heartland/plains/1634/ferret.html">
HUG your babies and play your games as much as you can......and savor
those memories forever
[Posted in FML issue 2629]