Has anyone else seen the collection of Dog Haikus and Cat Haikus that are
circulating on the web?  They are really good and gave me an idea for
something fun and light-hearted.  Something not medical-related or
To refresh your memory, a Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry which consists
of three lines and a total of seventeen syllables.  The lines need not
rhyme; however, the first line must contain five syllables, the second
line seven, and the third line five again.
I'm going to hold a Ferret Haiku contest.  I'll take entries until April
15.  My staff will be the judges.  The winning verse will be announced on
the FML and the writer will receive a printed, framed copy of the poem.
To get your creative juices flowing, here's a sample of one of the Dog
I lift my leg and
Whiz on each bush. Hello, Spot;
Sniff, sniff  this and weep!
Here's a sample of a Cat Haiku:
The rule for today:
Touch me and I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.
Here's a Ferret Haiku I wrote:
Whither shall I poop?
In all corners of the room
Shall I leave my gifts.
Let's have fun!
Debbie Kemmerer
[Posted in FML issue 2629]