Pam, just read your interview at The Ferret Pad.  Could you please tell me
where to find your reading material that can be handed out to Pet Stores.
There is one here that I want the lady to know some details about ferrets,
especially wood shavings.  Your help would be most appreciated.
This is to Skeeter.
Please tell me that my little Junior is happy & playing at the Rainbow
Bridge.  I'm feelin awful sad & missing him.  We lost him to the Bridge
in Aug 1998 to severe adrenal complications.  He was only 2.  He showed
absolutely no signs of adrenal disease.  He was a healthy, happy, playful
little boy.  One morning, I woke up to find that he couldn't urinate.
Rushed him to the Vet.  His bladder was full & his prostrate tissue area
showed a large cyst.  Our Vet put a cath in & we rushed him to Stillwater,
OK 5 hours away to the OSU Vet Teaching School.  Dr. Rochet there couldn't
believe this little guy was adrenal.  Surgery was performed that day.  The
tumor was small & benign, but there were multiple cysts in the prostrate
tissues that had damaged his urethra severly.  Junior didn't make it.  Dr.
Rochet said he had never seen anything like this before.  He calls it the
Junior Syndrome.  Dr. Rochet does several adrenal surgeries a year.  He
treated our little guy like he was his own.
I know its been 7 mos. now, but like last night, I cried all night for my
little buddy.  I guess I feel guilty cause I feel like I should have been
able to tell something was wrong.  Please tell Junior I'm sorry & we love &
miss him so much.  Tell him we got 2 other little fuzzies to play with
Wichita.  They fill the hole in my heart to some extent but they could
never replace him.  Also, tell him that Wichita still looks for him & want
let the little ones play with his special toy.  He keeps it hid from them.
Well, I have to go now.  I'm crying so hard I can barely see the keyboard.
Terri, Wichita, Oscar, & Shorty - WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH JUNIOR!!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2603]