I'm not really much of a Rainbow Bridge or baby talk person myself (Mild
dyslexia makes the second awkward.), but don't at all mind that others are--
after-all, I'm no more the taste police than anyone else is.  Still, in
skimming recently I saw the first words of Skeeter saying that he was
teaching some ferret spirits to fly and I just filled up with tears.  You
see, one of our favorite jokes around here was that if 'Chopper* could have
had any wish in the world she'd have wished to fly.  It was just such a
beautiful thought that she might figure out how to soar.  (At least for
her it would be beautiful; she'd dive-bomb others -- I guaranty that.
Ferret-mousie falling at three o'clock!  Bank to starboard!) It's always
such a treasure when beauty is found where not personally expected, so
thanks, Skeet!
Weird sighting: on the show "Victoria's Secret" in her office was a poster
of a corset, and behind the corset sketch in its background in slightly
darker color was the outline of a ferret.  The words on the poster were
"Le Furet".
Was reading a historical mystery involving Phillip of Macedon and kept
thinking throughout that except for the wily plotting and the drinking his
behavior was so much like what sometimes happens with an adrenal ferret --
the power-plays and mounting everything.  Guess only folks here would
understand that response.
Several folks asked me to let people know if anyone responded positively to
my latest request to hear from those who have long-lived strains (as shown
by follow-up with the majority living 9 or more years in a home setting).
Well, as has happened each time in the past when I asked on the FML there
were no takers and I know a lot of breeders all over who do follow-up on
their ferrets and talk with me about other FML things.  Whether their
animals enjoy better health until final illness I don't know; that's
something I've not ever asked about and I don't think ANYONE has the data
for ferrets in a home setting.  It's possible, but it's a big "Who knows?".
(Home settings are important since the levels of physical and mental
stresses are different.)
Hmmm, that latest about "Ferrets USA" makes me wonder if the last part of
the name should be pronounced "Usa" (as in slang for "user") instead of
U.S.A.  What makes it all so absurd is that they COULD improve -- heck,
they at times have some articles by knowledgeable folks -- but they just
don't seem to care enough to actually just do the tiny things (like making
sure that they have accurate info, and aren't endangering ferrets or ferret
people -- really tiny) consistently.  Smacks of having lax publisher's
supervision of a really horrid editor.  Except when I see a certain article
by a special person I just put our money into things which are better
investments.  On the other hand, we subscribe to "Modern Ferret" because
it has a long history of accuracy.  Had to recently get a cat magazine
subscription for one set of relatives and a dog one for a child; didn't buy
the Fancy versions because I was afraid they might be as inaccurate as the
their ferret publications.
*(the Organic Helicopter till about 6 when she went blind from protein in
her lenses and later also developed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which
slowed her down)
[Posted in FML issue 2628]