It is with a sad heart that I write this post.  Last week I asked for help
for an elderly lady who called me late one evening.  She was desperate for
help for her ferret Lisa.  At first she thought I might be a set-up and
turn her in.  But she took a chance and called me anyway.  She gave me the
normal symptoms of a blockage.  She told me she had no money.  I assured
her not to worry and gave her the address of a special vet.  He let me
write 2 cks.  One to start treatment, the other post dated.  I ask for help
on the FML, 3 very special people came forward, 1 with the help of money
and constant contact, 2 with a lot of very good information.  I want to
publicly say Thank you to Marge S., Sukie C.  and Chris K.  All are truly
special ladies.
X-rays were done, blood work was and the blood work came back with the
emphasis on Insulinoma.  Only she showed no symptoms for insulinoma.  Back
to the x-rays, Dr. Kang saw something that disturbed him and couldn't
explain it, even after consults with other Vets.  There was something large
pressing on one lung and had rearranged the trachea, alway down to the
stomach.  At this time Lisa had been been throwing up everything for 4
days, very dehydrated, Dr. Kang gave her sub-Q fluids and kept her for the
day.  Every other day, Lee would take Lisa back to him.  He kept doing
blood tests and showed no indication of insulinoma.  He gave Lee prednisone
(sp) for Lisa was able to take the medicine mashed up in nutrastat.  Lisa
was steadily dropping weight.  Monday morning Lee and I went to the vet
together.  I saw the x-ray and immediately knew something very bad was
going on.  So Lee had to make a decision to operate and Lisa may not make
it or she could take Lisa home and let her pass.  I have a very hard when I
lose a kid, but I'd never been this close to someone I didn't know, and go
thru all the emotions with.  We were constantly on the phone day and night.
I felt so helpless, all I could do is offer her money, my friendship and be
a shoulder to help carry the weight of losing her Lisa.  She kept asking
me, what should she do ?  This was one day I hope never comes again, my
heart was breaking, but I had to stay strong for her.  I asked her - what
does your heart tell you Lee ?  She was silent, like what seemed to be
forever, then said...I don't want to watch her die slowly at home and
suffer.  So the surgery was elected, all of Lisa lower abdomen was healthy,
pictures were taken.  Then the Dr. asked Lee if she wanted to let Lisa go
while under anesthesia, because what he feared was wrong he could not
help Lisa.  She shook her head yes and turned away.  After Lisa passed
peacefully, Dr. Kang cracked the chest, the trachea was collapsed and
swollen in different places.  The lung was huge, nothing on the outside
prepared Dr. Kang what he was about to see...he opened the lung and a tumor
the size of golf ball appeared.  I could not comprehend how Lisa had lasted
as long as she had.  More pictures were taken.  I contacted Dr. Bruce
Williams, gave him some info about the tumor, he in turn e-mailed me with
an address to send him the pictures and the tumor I had.  I called Dr. Kang
and gave him Dr. Williams address also, x-rays, his report on Lisa and what
I have are going to be in the mail as you read this.  As soon as I hear
back from Dr. Williams on what he finds, I will pass on the info.  Since we
are in California I can not give out an address for Lee.  I told her about
all the wonderful people here and I would be grateful if ya'll would send
some caring and comforting words to her.  I will print them out for her.
We ( Marge and my husband) are going to get Lees' computer up and going.
It's a 386 desk top Dell something, with a 3meg hard drive...hint...does
anyone have spare parts.
Kiss all your ferts,
[Posted in FML issue 2603]