>From:    Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The Few,the Proud,the Smelly
>You want to talk smelly,that was me after a day of riding and cleaning
>out horse apples,add a little sweat to that and you get the idea.
I got a big kick out of this one!  I was a trainer, the breeding manager &
the barn manager and a training, boarding, and breeding farm.  Talk about
stink!  Times I would go into places at lunch or after work with mud &
manure caked on my boots!  And even in the dead of winter when I was all
bundled up I still got hay in my bra!
Ha!  My coat & gloves even smell like ferrets!  Ask me if I care!  I do
wash them, but the fuzzies get snuggled with my coat on all over again!
Mia!  Hold your head high!  Ferret smell is better than human BO anyday!
One person I work with always has stinky breath!  Gags me when he even
comes near my desk!  I'd rather have my nose next to a poofing poofer or
burried in a whole hob's coat during the smelliest of ruts!
>From:    Goddess O Whip Cream <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: i`m never good at puttin topics up here......
>You see, dad is very picky, he doesn`t wear, well, umm, underpants.
>Meggy just shot right in though one side of his shorts and right out
>through the other . . .
Ha!  Too funny!  Reminds me of a kitten story I heard where the outcome
was not so ... ummmm ... intact.
Amy Flemming
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Flemming Farms - Michigan, USA
Breeding for Quality Ferrets
American, Australian, German, and New Zealand bloodlines
Come see us at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/9521
Weasel Watchers Ferret Rescue - Michigan, USA
Helping Needy Weasels
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism"
[Posted in FML issue 2603]