Have not posted in sometime as too many things happening but still kinda
following along: Have a couple of quick comments in response: (hohoho
Millie = quick responses:)
The secret to taking pictures is:  (drumroll)         F e r r a t o n e
another word is bribery.  Set them where you want to take the picture,
give them ferretone and they get so distracted they are still for the
second or two you have to click the picture.  Also there is that little
bit of time you have where they are wondering if they are going to get
just a little bit more, you can do a lot with them then for an additional
half minute - use it intelligently, it's precious.
Considering you can't do a barricade between living room and kitchen
because you have a 5' opening:
just a thought but something VERY attractive I have seen in moble homes is
a wrought iron fence with a gate opening to portion it off.  You then use
plexiglass to cover the wrought iron, doesn't marr the beauty of the living
conditions and it a marvelous holdback, I have a halfwall with posts made a
pure plexiglass between their area and my kitchen - its a nuisance to have
to fasten and unfasten because the latch has to go so low, plexiglass is
flexible, where the wrought iron would sturdy the plexiglass and you can
fasten and unfasten the gate at human levels.
But anyway, my suggestion which is cheap and effective is cardboard and
duct tape.  Of course mine don't get into the kitchen except in error but
they have the den and the washroom that have "those" kinda things in them.
I took carboard box and cut them to size and ducttaped them from the sides
of the appliance to the wall (really from washer to dryer as they cannot
get past to the back on the otherside) and I also did this to the bigscreen
tv that sits up in a bay window they get into all the time.  I pushed
cardboard in far enough it felt secure and then ducttaped like mad all
around the edges where they couldn't get their well manicured little nails
under the edge - they test it a lot but half heartedly and go on to other
things not so secured.  If it is the looks you worry about, then some paint
the same color of your walls, or wallpaper with Clear tape around the edges
to keep them from tearing it off - it can be done to blend into the decor.
And remember they are used to getting back there so the battle will go on
for a couple of weeks - they have an awfully hard time believing a human
would put an end to some of their play areas.
And Skeeter:
The magic of Skeeter is the humans who have suffered through losing their
little one are left with a limp, lifeless, wasted body remembering what
just happened and then there is this letter from Skeeter telling what the
little tyke is up to now, doing the things he/she used to do when full of
life and the image of that body fades to the memories of wonderous times.
It takes away what the eyes saw last and replaces it with an image to keep
in the heart.  People would not write about their heartaches in the FML if
they didn't want relief from their pain and we all share in it together so
it does a wonder to visualize these darlings being free spirits whether
they are ours or ours through FML.  Thank you Skeeter.
Millie and her Noble but dysfunctional Cleaning Crew (hormones are
raging at the moment)
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Hey Aaaajax!  You over there with the naked tummy, Yohooo
Cascade:  Why is he sleeping so much, the vet was the one who did all
the work
Ajax:  ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
Dizzy:  They must have thought you were a girl, Ajax, they shaved you
just like ole Budda Belly Joy there when she got fixed.
Joy:  Humfph!!! It's about time you guys have to go through some of the
things we girls have to go through.
Prell:  I feel so free - no Ajax hanging on to my neck butttt poor Ajax.
Febreze:  Gee, he is snoring, think we ought to get even with what he
"tried" to do to us before?
Grandma:  Shhhhhhh, come away from the cage my darlings, and let the
little boy sleep.
[Posted in FML issue 2626]