Okay, you guys!  One more project for the bored and or creative.  I've got
this list going for the ferret book.  Can any of you add some that I might
want to use.  I can only take 10 or so more.  Go for it.  E-mail
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Thanks, Kim
Kim's Sure Signs of Knowing When You are Officially Owned by a Ferret
You're talked into writing a book on ferrets.
You answer people's questions with screeches and dooks.
You can never find a pair of matching socks.
You have play tubes running the perimeter of the inside of your house.
Your ferret has its very own bedroom=85=85..and it's bigger than yours.
You send wallet-size pictures of your ferret to all your friends every year.
There's a little pile of poop in every corner of your house.
You miss an important meeting at work to take your ferret to the vet.
You begin to associate only with people who are also owned by ferrets so
that you don't feel abnormal.
All you want from the divorce settlement are the ferrets.
Your ferret has more outfits than you do.
You do that stupid little airplane trick with the spoon of Laxatone(tm)
just to make sure he eats it.
You check the underside fabric of a couch before buying it.
You have a raw spot on the tip of your nose from ferret licks.
Your screensaver and mouse pad have ferret designs on them.
Your grocery cart is filled with baby food and you have no children.
You buy Nature's Miracle(r) by the gallon.
You purchase a larger washer and dryer to accommodate ferret laundry.
Every pair of pants you own has a Linatone stain on it.
[Posted in FML issue 2625]