Here are my replies to recent posts en mass...
RE: favorite toys...
A friend of mine made a 10 foot long tube made out of light cotton material
for Lucy when I first got her.  This has always been both Lucy & Greta's
favorite toy.  I crumple it up in a pile and they love the challenge of
trying to get thru it by straightening it out as they go, or pouncing on
the one running thru it.  (Of course, Lucy can't live without her sock
RE: Used left socks...
So that is why I have so many lonely right socks in my drawer!
RE: Healthy fuzzies...
My two fuzzies are about 2 1/2 years old and are both very healthy.  I plan
to keep them that way for a long. long time...
RE: ferrets in the park...
I have a large mesh beach bag with a zipper top and vinyl bottom that I
take my fuzz butts to the park in.  They can get a breeze and see what's
going on.  I bring a water bottle, food, treats, plastic baggies & paper
towels (for poopies), and a tent stake to put the loop of thier leashes on
so they can run around in a big circle in the grass.  Yes, harnesses and
leashes are a MUST!  Be aware of dogs who might think they are squirrels
and chase them.  Bring along ferret and shelter info to hand out to all
the people who will be hanging around you asking questions (like "what are
those things?  Are they baby racoons?")
RE: Tail wagging...
Mine do this when they are looking into a tube at each other.  They are
overcome with excitement!
RE: Ferrets Magazine...
I, too, noticed that they included the names and locations of CA ferret
owners.  I think that is outragious that they don't care if these ferrets
are confiscated and possibly killed because of it.  I am not going to renew
my subscription, which is due soon.  I plan to write to them about this.
I was about to send a photo in for their conest but since I, too, live in a
FFZ, I can't take that chance.  I can live without them (but I can't live
without my Modern Ferret!!)
RE: Ferret Personalities...
I will write about my ferret's personalities in another post...too long for
this one.
I heard a radio commercial today telling silly facts of Easter.  They said
"There are no Easter weasels".  I beg to differ!
???  I have a question...How many of you have ferrets that died of old age
and didn't have cancer?  How old were they?  Do most ferrets die of cancer
or do we just hear more about those here?
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies;
Lucy  (I'll roll over for my treat now, O.K?)
 & Greta ( I believe in the Easter Weasel!)
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2625]