I want to thank everyone who has responded to my request for advise on what
to do for Bandit.  I appreciate your help.  I was not able to read your
emails.  Unfortunately I posted too late.  It is with a very sad heart that
I write this tonight.
I was able to have Bandit with me at work last night for what was to begin
a week of nightly feedings.  I only was able to do it for one night.  After
we got home this morning Bandit took a turn for the worse.  She was very
weak.  She seems fine last night but this morning I knew for sure I was
going to lose her today.  She fought like a trooper until 1:45 this
afternoon.  She died in our hands this afternoon.  I am only consoled by
the fact that she died in my arms rather than in the cage.
I already miss her terribly.  She is my first to go and it's so traumatic &
painful.  I could never have prepared for this loss.  There are so many
little things that she did each day to make me laugh and bring joy into my
life.  We always had our babies out of the cage more than in so they are
always underfoot and able to participate in our daily activities.  But when
one goes it makes it worse because of all the little things she did.  After
taking a shower, I expected to see her waiting outside the tub so that she
could lick the droplets of water on my ankles & feet while I dried off.  I
will miss her beggin for raisins & bananas in the kitchen.  I will miss her
scratching at the door to the bedrooms to get in to see what's on the other
Most of all I will miss her beautiful little bright angel face looking up
at me all the time.  I only had her four short years but I am happy for
those special years.  I rescued her from someone who didn't take good care
of her and we showed her a very special life with us and for that I know it
was well worth all the tears I am shedding today.
I know that many who have lost their own babies before me have said to give
hugs & kisses to your own fuzzies and I have always done so and cried over
the losses that others have experienced.  I know my words are not much
different than many others but please DO give your babies all the love you
can, lots of hugs & kisses and always know that you share a lot more than
you realize today.  They truly are very special and precious gifts that we
must cherish and only get to spend such a short time with.  They give so
much to us in such a short life that they are true gems to treasure.  Love
them with all your heart while they're here.
In loving memory of my beautiful precious baby Bandit.  I will miss you
forever.  Until we join you someday......
Leann & Brian
and Rikki & Tristan (ferrets)
and Sambucca, Shalimar & Sylvester (the kitties).
[Posted in FML issue 2624]