I think that I have yet not to cry when I read of the death of a beloved
ferret.  I cant imagine the grief and emptiness.  There are so many moments
and actions each day thet will remind one of these tiny miracles.Where is
the nod of the head, the nip at the ankle, the leaping onto your leg, or
climbing onto the bed for kisses?
Where is that babe to tuck in each night?  Where is that dance and wiggling
tail?  What will you do instead of the duck soup syringe feedings 3 times a
day?  The hope against hope is gone now.  There is just this terrible
silence.  Just this broken heart
To the parents of Slinky and Beanie, and the too many others :, I feel sooo
sorry for your loss.I wish it was in my power sometimes to change what I
cannot.  This is one of thoses times.
[Posted in FML issue 2624]