Hello FMLers,
Recently I've posted a question about my fat and sleepy ferret of six
months.  We are very worried about her because she's gaining weight and
becoming more lazy, when she used to be ultra-hyperactive.  One person
suggested the laziness and fattening could be a transition stage from a kit
to a jill.  We have no clue, so please send in some feedback if you can.
On a happier note, have anyone seen the commercial for Connect-Four?  Sorry
if someone else already mentioned this before, but we just saw it last
night.  You know, the kid's game, Connect Four (you drop red and black
plastic coins in this...thing).  Well there was a talking ferret on the
CM.  It was kind of weird, but definitely cute looking.  So keep your eyes
open for it.
JT & Rena
Trina the unpredictable lapferret
Silver the weiner dooker getting-there lapferret
[Posted in FML issue 2622]